Home Speech Therapy For Adults

Affordable, at Home, on Your Schedule


What is Adult Speech Therapy?

Adult speech therapy helps individuals improve their communication skills, address speech and language disorders, and manage related issues such as swallowing difficulties. This type of therapy can benefit people who have experienced a stroke, traumatic brain injury, neurological conditions, or other health issues that impact their ability to speak clearly or understand language.


Adult Speech Therapy Services

Adults who struggle with communication can really benefit from speech therapy.

Some challenges with communication begin in childhood, like stuttering, while others might arise later in life, such as after a stroke or a brain injury. Speech therapy can address a wide range of communication concerns.

The human brain is incredible at adapting and learning new things. This ability never fades, so it’s never too late to develop strategies to improve communication skills. Speech therapy can help!

Speech therapy can provide support in the following areas:

Adult Speech Therapy for Improving Your Professional Communication

Many adults see a speech-language pathologist to improve their communication skills, even without a diagnosis or a doctor’s note. If you think speech therapy could help you, you’re in the right place.

Some therapists focus on helping bilingual adults who want to modify their accents. If you’re looking to improve your pronunciation, speech therapy can be very helpful.

Many people also turn to speech therapy to boost their comfort and confidence. If speaking in public or gathering verbal information makes you anxious, a therapist can help you develop strategies to ease those stresses. Additionally, speech therapy can be beneficial for adults who struggle with intonation and expression.


What Happens in an Adult Speech Therapy Session?

In your initial visits, your speech therapist will take the time to get to know you, gather your background information, and understand your communication goals. They’ll ask some questions and might do an assessment.

As therapy starts, your therapist will create a personalized plan tailored to your unique communication needs.

Between sessions, you’ll get home practice assignments from our Practice Library to help you progress.


How Long Does Speech Therapy for Adults Last?

The duration of speech therapy for an adult varies based on several factors, including the person’s diagnosis, the severity of their condition, the frequency of therapy sessions, and the level of involvement from the individual and their caregivers or family. For instance, someone with a mild or moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) might only need speech therapy for a few weeks or months. On the other hand, more severe injuries could require years of therapy. Likewise, individuals with degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s may need ongoing speech therapy for months or even years to help maintain their current abilities.


Speech Up for Adult Speech Therapy

Choosing Speech Up for at-home adult speech therapy means getting access to top-notch care right in your living room. We have a team of over 150 experienced speech therapists, ensuring you’ll find someone whose expertise matches your specific needs.

Our therapists are highly qualified, with each Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) boasting over 10 years of experience. They’ve undergone extensive education and supervised training, holding master’s degrees in their field and state certifications to practice. With Speech Up, you’re in capable and caring hands.