Considering online speech therapy for your toddler or preschooler? You might have questions like:

  • How does online speech therapy work for such a young child?
  • How will the therapist keep my child engaged?
  • How will I be involved?
  • Does my child need to sit and pay attention the whole time?

These are great questions! Read on (and watch the video below) to learn how online speech therapy from Speech Up can work and does work for our youngest clients.

First, let’s discuss speech therapy for this age group, whether in-person or online. We know young children learn differently than older kids and adults. They learn through real-world activities, experiences, and daily routines. Toddlers and young preschoolers learn best through interactions with family members.

For these reasons, many speech therapists include the following elements in their treatment plans:

  • Building on the strengths of parents/caregivers, recognizing that you know your child best and are their primary ‘teacher.’
  • Using everyday routines and activities as the basis for therapy (e.g., meal times, bath time, getting dressed, playtime, household tasks).
  • Teaching parents and caregivers how to incorporate evidence-based therapy strategies into daily routines.
  • Emphasizing the importance of play in communication development and overall learning. Parents often learn new ways to play that promote speech and language development.

With these factors in mind, therapy sessions don’t need to be continuously direct and “hands-on” between therapist and child. Sessions often involve discussions and idea-sharing between therapist and parent/caregiver, guiding parents through strategy implementation, practice, feedback, observation, reflection, and developing a practice plan for between sessions. Regular use of these strategies by parents/caregivers is crucial for progress.

This model of providing speech therapy to young preschoolers and toddlers is supported by research and child development understanding. It also works well with online speech therapy! Many therapists feel online speech therapy enhances the experience for both child and parent/caregiver. Without the therapist physically present, they guide the parent in using strategies with the child, making the parent an active participant. This leads to more opportunities for the child to practice, promoting greater progress.

If you’re concerned about your toddler or preschooler’s communication development, consider online speech therapy. Research shows early intervention improves outcomes for children with suspected speech or language delays. You’ll also feel more confident as you learn the best ways to interact with your child to promote early learning and communication development.

At Speech Up, we offer online speech therapy services that are convenient for you and tailored to your child’s needs. Our services are affordable and effective—get started with Speech Up today!

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