Speech Therapy for Children


What is Speech Therapy for Toddlers?

Speech therapy can significantly improve communication for children of all ages and abilities. Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are here to assist toddlers facing speech delays, speech disorders, language disorders, and other communication challenges that make it difficult for them to express their wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings. An SLP can help determine if your child’s speech development is progressing as it should.


Key Milestones in Speech and Language Development

Birth to 3 Months

4 to 6 Months

7 to 12 Months

1 to 2 Years

2 to 3 Years

3 to 4 Years

4 to 5 Years

These milestones give a general idea of typical speech and language development in children. Each child is unique and may reach these milestones at their own pace. If you have concerns about your child’s development, consider consulting a healthcare professional.


Should Others Be Able to Understand my Toddler?

It’s common for babies and young toddlers to have unclear speech. By the time they reach 3 years old, we hope to understand about 75% of what they say. By age 4, nearly everything they say should be clear, even to people who don’t know them well. The chart below can help you determine if your child might have a speech delay.
Child aged 1 = 1/4 or 25% intelligible to strangers
Child aged 2 = 2/4 or 50% intelligible to strangers
Child aged 3 = 3/4 or 75% intelligible to strangers
Child aged 4 = 4/4 or 100% intelligible to strangers
(Source: Flipsen, 2006)
In simple terms, this means that a 2-year-old speaking to someone they don’t know well (like a
distant relative or a pediatrician they see twice a year) will only be understood about 50% of the
This guide provides an alternative way to check if your toddler’s speech is developing as expected or
if you might want to look into speech therapy.


How Does Speech Therapy for Toddlers Help?

Speech therapy for kids is like intensive practice for speech and language, tailored specifically to your child’s speech disorder. While it differs from adult speech therapy, the core principle remains the same. The treatment for your child will depend heavily on their specific condition, but all treatments share two common elements: repetition and home practice. Overcoming speech disorders requires
consistent practice, and repetition is key to developing proper speech habits in toddlers, kids, and adults alike.
Pediatric speech therapy includes one-on-one sessions focusing on forming commonly mispronounced, interjected, or blocked sounds and words. These sessions directly address your child’s speech disorder. Practicing the methods taught by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at home is also crucial. The more you practice with your child, the more likely they are to overcome the disorder.
In the long term, overcoming a speech disorder can reduce feelings of embarrassment and frustration, boosting your child’s confidence. Improved communication with peers can positively impact their personal and professional lives.


When Should You Start Speech Therapy for a Toddler?

Spotting speech disorders early in your child is essential. The sooner you address these issues, the easier it will be to overcome them.
The years from 0 to 4 are critical for speech development. Consulting a speech pathologist during this period can help determine if your child needs speech therapy, giving you peace of mind and ensuring the best possible support for your child.
Reach out to an online speech therapist today to talk about the best plan for your child and find the right treatment to help them overcome their specific speech disorder.